A massive Ponzi Scheme operating under the nose of the Queen of England, perpetrated by palace guards, so well masked it fooled Palace Police – CBNow
A right royal fraud: The £3m scam that fooled Palace police

A massive Ponzi Scheme operating under the nose of the Queen of England, perpetrated by palace guards, so well masked it fooled Palace Police – CBNow
A right royal fraud: The £3m scam that fooled Palace police
Fraud Update
The OFT U.K. (Office of Fair Trading) has begun an investigation into Fitzpatrick and Singh and their fraudulent “enterprises”. The crime reference number for Fitzpatrick/Singh at the OFT is …. EPIC/ENQ/E/57571.
Remember, you received this information first on CrimeBustersNow April 14, 2009, years ahead of the corrupt Canadian Government, Canadian law enforcement, Crime Stoppers, even the near useless BBB, or the Canadian Media. And again …. that’s the truth!
Dave – CBNow
The two “media nuts” promoting the scam. and a link to their video
Gurdeep Singh; aka George Singh / George Basra / Gurdeep Basra and his partner, the international racketeer Robert Fitzpatrick (not to be confused with Robert FitzPatrick of Pyramid Scheme Alert) are, and have been for over a decade perpetrating huge pyramid frauds world-wide- BE WARNED These frauds are…….
Perfect4U – and – OneVision
Gurdeep Singh’s Disqualified Directorship Order:
Address: 113 STATION ROAD
Postcode : B21 0HA
Date of Birth : 11/10/1979
Nationality: BRITISH
Number of disqualification orders: 1
Disqualified From: 16/08/2006 To: 15/08/2018
Reason: CDDA 1986 S6
Message from CBNow to these “den of unconscionable thieves.”
You two are unconscionable, abhorrent, international money-laundering, racketeering crooks, liars, gangsters and thieves.
I want you, your corrupt lawyers, accountants, whatever cops, government agents and politicians are “in your back pocket” that you have been able to corrupt, and your unconscionable, illegal schemes; the hell out of my country; away from unsuspecting seniors; farm families; the financially unsophisticated; the physically challenged; the poor; the financially desperate; struggling young families; single moms and dads; the financially desperate; students in university, college, and even high school that you lead into criminal corruption, inevitably dividing friendships, families, the workplace, communities, and our very nations.
You use your victim’s stolen, collective wealth; hundreds of millions, to harass and intimidate, and with your corrupt lawyers threaten massive lawsuits.
My name is David John Thornton I’m the President of CrimeBustersNow International Fraud Fighting Organization. I do not back down from corrupt police. I do not back down from corrupt government officials. And I certainly do not back down from scum like you.
And read on this website the 18 page decision of Ontario Superior Court Justice, Judge Quigley, in the $10 million defamatory lawsuit brought against me and the failed attempt by Alan Kippax; Treasure Traders International & Business in Motion “shell” corporations to obtain an injunction to shut this website down. If you still possess the intestinal fortitude….. for us common folk – the guts……
Readers and potential victims….. check out these dangerous, abhorrent, white-collar international racketeers.
It was brought to the attention of CrimeBustersNow that this international career criminal Gurdeep Singh and his partner Robert Fitzpatrick have once again raised their criminal “heads” in Canada perpetrating another of their ugly schemes designed to once again defraud the financially unsophisticated, the poor and financially desperate, the physically challenged and anyone else these unconscionable career racketeers can once again snarl in their new “web of deceit.”.
Email received by CrimeBustersNow from Florida…..
NOTE: these guys are slick. – I notice they portray a semi religious front – Fitzpatrick has Catholic crucifixes hanging on display around his neck – Singh was last seen wearing a turban and Sikh beard. The Florida rep, the guy in the video with Fitzpatrick uses loads of Bible quotes and links to his church group. To them their followers are simply a a target audience to exploit.
Did I mention Singh is banned from travel to USA and could not get a Russian visa also!
Yes – They have tried to show a product “Perfect4u” and a separate ring-fenced company “One-Vision” but as you can see they have exactly the same ownership: George Basra
Your Competition Bureau in Canada are looking to close them down – but it all takes time and RF knows it – he will try to sign up as many as possible and transfer the money out of the country – when the authorities come calling he will use all the money in the accounts on lawyers – money meant for taxes, bills, commissions – he will never be out of pocket – during the running of it, he will owe money to everyone – then when it goes bust he’ll be sitting pretty….. end
As you can see these are well seasoned, international, money-laundering, white-collar crooks, liars, gangsters and racketeering thieves that Canadian authorities, the BBB, chambers of commerce will again no doubt allow to defraud this country without “a peep,” legal challenge or consequence, or so much as a warning to the public. The media, looking for “safe stories”, again, will no doubt publish nothing about this fraud until their scam is complete and again the crooks are safely out of the country, if they publish anything at all!!!
We at CrimeBustersNow are warning the public of these international unconscionable abhorrent career criminals NOW. Forewarned is forearmed.
If you have seen either of these crooks perpetrating this any other fraud – such as the Sum-It Club 2-UP Aussie system now bankrupted by CrimeBustersNow, please contact CrimeBustersNow.
Dave – President CBNow
March 19 2010
As of March 26 this gambling fraud with be off the air. Yes, the “Play TV Canada” illegal gambling scheme will shut down March 26 2010.
Now, charges should be laid and the money returned to the victims and punitive damages awarded and fines assessed. But don’t hold your breath on that one!!! But we should keep complaining to authorities, including your MPs & MPPs.
March 12 2010
Global TV has, for a number of years, and is currently perpetrating a criminal gambling fraud in contravention of section 206 (1)(e) of the Canadian Criminal Code. This mind-boggling “program” disguised as an “on-air contest” also under the guise of “advertising”, (a new “acronym” for illegal gambling) employs a series of ambiguous puzzles which are equally abhorrent. The potential for abuse in this gambling fraud is obvious to anyone who debunks fraud, and certainly should be obvious to at least some investigative reporters “worth even half their salt.”
This illegal gambling fraud is perpetrated “on-air” anytime between 1:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. Fridays & Saturdays with bizarre carnival-type “pitch” men and women carrying on with an equally bizarre format.
In a feeble attempt to mask this, not only illegal, but fraudulent gambling scam and lend an “air” of legitimacy; boldly announced, and written across the TV screen, is a disclaimer noting that participants must be at least eighteen years of age, implying that this, somehow, makes the scam legal …. A bit like a bank robber advertising that participants in their gang must be at least eighteen years of age!!! Also accepted are free online computer entries, again implying that an illegal gambling scheme may be perpetrated as long as a few entries are free. This is equivalent to running an illegal “gaming house” and allowing a controlled number of people one free shot at the “tables.”
Play TV Canada is simply another unconscionable scheme under the same “Rob Peter to Pay Paul” provisions of the Criminal Code governing pyramid/Ponzi schemes that are also perpetrated by members of the media, police, corrupted government personnel, lawyers, accountants, church ministers, etc., with government and law enforcement simply turning their backs and “blind eye” to it all.
We might have thought Global TV had learned their lesson several years when one of their personalities along with an RCMP officer’s wife were charged for their participation in the pyramid scheme W.I.N.E., the exact same pyramid scheme, aka…. “Women Empowering Women,” “Women Helping Women,” “Dinner Club,” “Circle of Friends” etc, etc; these schemes all prohibited under section 206 (1)(e) of the Criminal Code of Canada.
EXCERPT: “Six women have been charged for taking part in a pyramid scheme. Among them an RCMP officer’s wife and a well-known Winnipeg celebrity. The pyramid scheme is called WINE. It stands for “Women Improving their Needs through Financial Empowerment.”
The lure is to make a $5,000 investment and benefit from the returns. Police say the original investment goes to the people at the top, the people at the bottom are supposed to attract more women. Police won’t say how much money is involved, but six women are charged with getting involved.
Marjorie Stevens is one of them. She’s a television personality known for her career as a broadcaster at CKND, the Global affiliate in Winnipeg. She’s also been charged with laundering the profits.”
Read more:
This certainly gives rise to a profound question….. With government and police authorities “willfully blind” protecting this fraudulent gambling scheme perpetrated by Global TV, would any right-minded individual expect Global TV to expose the massive pyramid scheme being perpetrated openly by police, corrupted government personnel, lawyers, accountants, church ministers, etc., within a few miles of the Global TV Studios? Global TV is suppressing the truth and covering up police scams, and the police reciprocate by protecting Global TV from just prosecution. It’s the way the “game is played” and many of the rest of the media are ignoring, suppressing, participating in, or being paid off through “advertising” for promoting these various fraudulent pyramid/Ponzi schemes and illegal gambling. (Just like Al Capone in the ’30 just a bit more subtle.)
That is the truth ……. That is the reality.
Check out
Mike Battista’s Blog
By special request for “Anonymous John”
March 10 2010
John wrote…
Dave seems to always harp back to his insistence that anonymity = lack of credibility. I’m starting to even doubt you are even the real Dave Thornton, especially since you make NO MENTION of PlayTV on your website, even though you are clearly interested in them.
So put your money where your mouth is. If you really are Dave and you really are confident about your S206 (1)(e) argument, put it on your website, www.crimebustersnow.com. Just state that the call-in TV show “PlayTV Canada” (www.calltv.com/playtvcanada) violates Section 206(1)(e) of the Canadian Criminal Code and the reasons why you believe so. Heck, just cut & paste your previous comment if you want. (While you’re at it, post a link to this blog as well.)
Then post the link here on this board.
If you can’t, it either means:
1) You aren’t the real Dave, and just some fake posing as him OR
2) You have so little confidence in your argument that you’re not willing to put your name on it, making you no better than the anonymous posters you disparage.
Ball’s in your court.
March 12 2010
Dave – CrimeBustersNow – wrote…
To John and readers of these forums..
John is trying to put more words into my mouth and again with innuendo, trying to make something out of nothing. (BTW John did you discover that more than one attorney general (plural) is “attorneys general???) as your “nit-picking” attempted to point out was an error on my part. That would seem to indicate we can rule out you being a lawyer or law student, unless a very incompetent one.
For the record John, your narrow equation, anonymity = lack of credibility is neither accurate nor is it my view. I worked for over two years with an anonymous British entity identifying himself only as “Captain Blyth. I suspect he was in the government. He said he was very close to “these people” and the scam was quickly shut down by British authorities. I was able to cross-check any documents and information and able to put trust in him and his information, albeit anonymous because it was credible. One should simply be very cautious about believing anything an anonymous person is touting particularly when they’re spreading other people’s anonymous gossip and unfounded accusations, especially provable unfounded allegations, on the intent to discredit someone else. And of course, when I know the nonsense you are selectively “cherry-picking” from others on the internet and bring here is false or “twisted.” Here is one of the threads on this website if you are looking for the truth. http://www.factnet.org/discus/messages/1/15892.html?1134910576
It is the little things one looks for as a detective: A detective with integrity adheres to the truth in what the facts he uncovers, reveal. He does not attempt to “spin” facts into innuendo, the motivation of which is to “paint a sinister picture;” and a mirror image of the truth to destroy someone. …. Like when the media and police conspired to destroy a person who is uncovering their corruption by making a “big deal” out of occurrence reports. i.e. Published….. “He admits he has had 36 occurrences in the past two years [1998 – 2000] with the OPP.” …. Now, that looks pretty horrendous considering these 36 occurrences consist as they do, assault, assault with a weapon, drugs, theft, causing a disturbance, etc, etc, and in a space of only two years… if you see what I mean.
So what were they; these occurrences? This fellow ran a municipal trailer park through a tender because the town could not control it. He cleaned it up and actually got a write-up in a Canada-Wide prestigious campground magazine. The assaults etc, were on him!!! One of them serious: Attacked at 3:00 AM by a hammer-wielding assailant who broke his ribs and smashed the telephone as he attempted to dial 911: He found a lady’s purse on the beach and turned it in, not realizing nor particularly concerned that it generated “a numbered occurrence report.” He threw out the drug users and dealers who had ridden “rough shot” over the park for years: He helped a fellow stopped by the police late one night with his tail lights out. It was a short circuit, the wire burned. He replaced the burned wire and the fellow, police would not allow to continue with his lights out, who needed to get home for work the next day, was on his way with his family. That generated an occurrence report. The cops called him a “good Samaritan.” He simply replied… “It was nothing really. I had the tools, I knew how to fix it, and the hour or so it took was nothing compared to the inconvenience this fellow and his family were facing. I hope if I am ever in trouble someone will do the same for me.”
Then the illegal pyramid scheme came to town. And unaware of those of authority in it, he attempted to get two women their money back and that’s when “all hell broke loose” and eventually these occurrence reports were taken out of context, deliberately used, along with myriad other fabricated “evidence” spun into gossip and unjustly used against him: Some of the very gossip, John, you’re picking up on the Internet, and without checking the validity, actively spreading it. And yes that was me, John. Never needed to ever mention it, until my credibility was viciously attacked.
It has been said… “Lies are easy: It is the truth that takes a lot of explaining.”
Now, addressing your other issues: About carrying Play TV Canada on my website: I am simply extremely busy dealing with several of these schemes worldwide; all with much larger losses than $2 or $100 a hit. Right now I am investigating the case of the 70-year-old Ontario Reeve, a former politician who shot to death a Vietnamese-Canadian Ontario Provincial Police Office. They were from the same church. I have come across some interesting information that I believe, bears investigating.
I also have to admit, I am not technically savvy on the computer, lacking the expertise to post or even edit stories on my own website making it much easier to post on these specific blogs where frauds are being discussed. Victims need to be aware of the “big picture” and why these frauds are even allowed to start-up in the first place and the power behind them….. It is political corruption and corruption within government and law enforcement and the duplicity of the media, as is apparent with Global TV airing this particular scam….. i.e. How do you think, for example, Global TV would handle the story of the massive pyramid scheme, a violation of section 206 (1)(e) operating winith a few miles of their own studios involving RCMP and others of authority, government personnel, church ministers, etc???…. Good question to ponder within the “big picture”, don’t you think, John???
And you question my identity. Now if you were any kind of an amateur detective at all, before spreading all kinds of new gossip and innuendo, all you need do is contact me from the CrimeBustersNow website to confirm who I am. On every post I sign my name dave – CBNow and my contact information below www.crimebustersnow.com . There you can read the decision of the Ontario Superior Court which identifies me as David John Thornton – Oakville Ontario and my email so I can be contacted. You can also find me all over the internet phone# and all [888-810-6736]. I don’t know if phone numbers are allowed here, but that’s what a smart “detective” (amateur or otherwise) would do.
Now John, after challenging two multimillion-dollar companies, and successfully defending myself in that $10 million liable suit against a 24 lawyer prestigious law firm, and the crooks I go after, don’t you think your accusation…. “You have so little confidence in your argument that you’re not willing to put your name on it, making you no better than the anonymous posters you disparage”……. actually “rings a bit hollow???”
However, to make you happy I will write a story and get my guy in Quebec to post it along with comments pasted from this forum, and the link to Mike Battista blog. Actually, it’s not a bad idea to post the link on our site. I have simply been too busy with frauds much bigger than this one: However, directly involving the media as it does, there is a unique situation reflected here; a larger principle, with larger implications. Maybe it will get the attention it deserves. Thank for the suggestion. And consider this…
2000. Six women have been charged for taking part in a pyramid scheme. Among them an RCMP officer’s wife and a well-known Winnipeg celebrity. The pyramid scheme is called WINE. It stands for “Women Improving their Needs through Financial Empowerment.”
“The lure is to make a $5,000 investment and benefit from the returns. Police say the original investment goes to the people at the top, the people at the bottom are supposed to attract more women. Police won’t say how much money is involved, but six women are charged with getting involved.
Marjorie Stevens is one of them. She’s a television personality known for her career as a broadcaster at CKND, the Global affiliate in Winnipeg. She’s also been charged with laundering the profits.
Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/news/story/2000/03/10/mb_pyramid031000.html
2009 – And the schemes are back.
This certainly gives rise to a profound question….. With government and police authorities “willfully blind” protecting this fraudulent gambling scheme perpetrated by Global TV, would any rightminded individual expect Global TV to expose the massive pyramid scheme being perpetrated openly by police, corrupted government personnel, lawyers, accountants, church ministers, etc., within a few miles of the Global TV Studios? Global TV is suppressing the truth and covering up police scams, and the police reciprocate by protecting Global TV from just prosecution. It’s the way the “game is played” and many of the rest of the media are ignoring, suppressing, participating in, or being paid off through “advertising” for promoting these various fraudulent pyramid/Ponzi schemes and illegal gambling. (Just like Al Capone in the ’30 ……just a bit more subtle.)
That is the truth ……. That is the reality.
David John Thornton aka
[email protected] 888-810-6736