5 August 2010 LATEST NEWS:
Solomon Island Central Bank Moves to seize Canadian Diamond Traders Bank Account: Claims CDT is a Classic Pyramid Scheme.
We at CBNow, against the tide of Canadian police and government corruption, have maintained that from “day one.”
Watch official Video…..
Jay Waterman, in an interview with CrimeBustersNow some time ago, revealed that RCMP, on a request from a foreign government, visited his “operation,” checked out his computer program and cleared it as legal.
Because of the corruption CrimeBustersNow has uncovered in the RCMP and the fact that many of their officers and families are involved in other such multi-million dollar, and billion dollar pyramid/Ponzi schemes, along with government personnel, specifically in the CRA (Income Tax Department), we have no reason to doubt Jay Waterman’s account with respect to the RCMP. We also have no reason to doubt that Jay Waterman is well aware that his shell corporation is nothing more than a classic, illegal, pyramid scheme defrauding the financially unsophisticated, the financially desperate, even high school students etc, and he is merely taking advantage of the corruption within the RCMP, the protection as of the result of the corruption within the Peel Regional Police as high as the Chief’s Office, the Federal Competition Bureau, politicians, and several other police and government departments.
That’s the truth…. and now, as being proved – the reality.
– dave CBNow.org.
CRIMEBUSTERSNOW for years has been receiving complaints of victims “ripped off” by Canadian Diamond Traders, from Russia to South Africa; from Hong Kong to the tiny Island Nation of Vanuatu. Seniors, students, the financially Unsophisticated, the financially desperate, the handicapped; the deaf world-wide, particularly students at Gallaudet University for the Deaf in Washington.
From the Roots Of Canadian Diamond Traders:
Translated from the Polish News Media
Original Polish version below
Diamonds last forever but real fortune is fleeting.
Maciej Pawlikowski
2008-08-03 15:55:51 – 2008-08-04 00:32:39
Over 1000 people fell victims to Diamond fraudsters. In Gdansk alone over 100 people believed in promises of easy money. Some lost over $50,000 U.S. dollars. Police and the public prosecutor prosecuting this case estimate that three fraudsters might have collected way over one million dollars. All three of them got arrested thanks to private detective Krzysztof Rutkowski.
Dia-Monde Corp. started their activities in Poland in 2006, according to announcements contained in glossy fliers and brochures – they intended to invest money in marketing of diamonds. Depending on selected investment program it was enough to deposit 120 or 640 dollars to receive in a short period of time triple the invested amount and as a bonus gem stone worth couple hundred dollars.
The mechanism of the company’s operation was very simple. It was nothing more than a financial pyramid. Potential investors, in addition to investing their cash in diamond funds, could also convince other people to join in the investment structure. This would promote them in the hierarchy of the investment pyramid. The higher the position, they attained the more money they would earn.
This simple system worked very well. In the short time the ranks of investors in Dia-Monde Corp., included residents of the following cities – first Warsaw, and than Gdansk, Poznan, Szczecin, Wroclaw and more recently, also Krakow.
In the beginning everything looked very professional. We received information from the company regarding our investments. Numerous meetings were held, in addition to the money promised some of also received certified Canadian diamonds – explains Ms Halina, one of the deceived residents of Gdansk – First I invested $120, and after three months I received, the first money about 300 dollars. I re-invested all that money. Yes, and after that I did it again – she adds.
Precisely in order to not lose out on the repetitiveness of the “opportunity, fraudsters were offering the possibility of reinvestment, or re-deposit of payments. The idea turned out to be “shot in the arm”, as customers enticed by first payments invested higher and higher amounts of money. Some took out loans of tens of thousands of dollars at several banks on pledges of future profits they were sure they would collect while others used up lines of credit
However, in recent months the pyramid scheme created by Witold P. (A Pole with Canadian citizenship) and Vitaly T. Ukrainian began to wobble on its foundations. Customers of Dia-Monde Corp stopped receiving payments. Quite a few of them, smelling the fraud, hired a detective Krzysztof Rutkowski. His office quickly investigated the company, as well as its major shareholders.
It was found that P. Witold bought diamonds by kilograms in Dubai. The value of one, instead of several hundred was worth only about 25 dollars. His associates illegally imported them into Poland. Money paid in by their clients was never invested for them anywhere. It was one big fraud, from beginning to end; a cleverly devised Detective Rutkowski explains.
Thanks to gullibility of their victims, for the last two years Witold Popiel lived like a king. He purchased an apartment in Dubai and a new house in Canada. On 22 July his crooked ways came to an abrupt end.
People from the detective agency came to the office. An hour later the police showed up. On the same day the first of several reports alleging criminal offences against the owner and employees of Dia-Monde Corporation were filed at one of Warsaw’s police stations. The case was taken over by the Warsaw Metropolitan District Public Prosecutor’s Office. Any Polish “investors” who were deceived are asked to direct all further communication to that office. Popiel and his associates are under police supervision. No one at dia-Monde Corporation could be contacted.
On Thursday, in the Teachers House, Uphagena Street, Wrzeszcz, there was a meeting between deceived Gdansk victims and detective Rutkowski. Dozens of victims are preparing a common complaint about the offence, which in all likelihood, will be sent to the Warsaw public prosecutor’s office, sometime this week. – end
Diamenty są wieczne, ale fortuna ulotna
Maciej Pawlikowski
2008-08-03 15:55:51, aktualizacja: 2008-08-04 00:32:39
Ponad tysiąc osób w całej Polsce padło ofiarą brylantowych oszustów. W Gdańsku w obietnice łatwych pieniędzy uwierzyło ich ponad sto. Niektórzy stracili nawet po 50 tys. dolarów.
Policja i prokuratura prowadzące w tej sprawie postępowanie szacują, że łupem trójki naciągaczy paść mogło sporo ponad milion dolarów. Wszyscy zostali zatrzymani dzięki działaniom prywatnego detektywa Krzysztofa Rutkowskiego.
Firma Dia-Monde Corp. rozpoczęła swoją działalność w Polsce w 2006 roku. Jak głosiła w rozdawanych reklamach i broszurach – miała się zajmować inwestowaniem pieniędzy w handel diamentami. Wystarczyło wpłacić – w zależności od wybranego przez siebie programu inwestycyjnego – 120 lub 640 dolarów, aby po krótkim czasie otrzymać trzykrotność tej kwoty i w dodatku wart kilkaset dolarów kamień szlachetny.
Mechanizm działania firmy był bardzo prosty. Chodziło o piramidę finansową. Potencjalni inwestorzy, oprócz lokowania swojej gotówki w diamentowych funduszach, mogli także namawiać kolejnych do wstępowania w strukturę inwestycyjną. Dzięki temu można było awansować w hierarchii inwestycyjnej. Im wyższa pozycja, tym większe pieniądze do zarobienia.
Prosty system sprawdził się doskonale. W krótkim czasie w szeregi inwestorów Dia-Monde Corp. wchodzili mieszkańcy kolejnych miast – najpierw Warszawy, a później Gdańska, Poznania, Szczecina, Wrocławia i od niedawna także Krakowa.
– Na początku wszystko wyglądało bardzo profesjonalnie. Otrzymywaliśmy informacje od firmy dotyczące naszych inwestycji. Odbywały się liczne spotkania, niektórzy oprócz obiecanych pieniędzy dosta-wali także certyfikowane w Kanadzie diamenty – wyjaśnia pani Halina, jedna z oszukanych gdańszczanek. – Wpłaciłam najpierw 120 dolarów, po trzech miesiącach otrzymałem pierwsze pieniądze, około 300 dolarów. Te pieniądze także ponownie zainwestowałam. Tak samo robiłam i potem – dodaje.
Właśnie po to aby nie stracić zbyt dużo pieniędzy, oszuści oferowali możliwość tzw. reinwestycji, czyli ponownej wpłaty wypłaconych środków. Pomysł okazał się strzałem w dziesiątkę, gdyż zachęceni pierwszymi wypłatami klienci firmy wpłacali coraz wyższe kwoty pieniędzy. Niektórzy na poczet przyszłych zysków pobrali w bankach kilku-, a nawet kilkunastotysięczne kredyty.
Jednak w ostatnich miesiącach stworzona przez Witolda P. (Polaka z kanadyjskim obywatelstwem) i Ukraińca Witalija T. piramida zaczęła chwiać się w posadach. Klienci Dia-Monde Corp. przestali otrzymywać wypłaty. Kilkoro z nich, czując oszustwo, wynajęło detektywa Krzysztofa Rutkowskiego. Jego biuro szybko prześwietliło tę firmę, jak również głównych jej udziałowców.
– Okazało się, że Witold P. kupował w Dubaju diamenty na kilogramy. Wartość jednego to zamiast kilkuset – około 25 dolarów. Przywozili je nielegalnie do Polski jego współpracownicy. Wpłacanych przez swoich klientów pieniędzy nigdzie nie inwestowali. Wszystko było jednym wielkim oszustwem, od początku do końca zaplanowanym jako przekręt – wyjaśnia detektyw Rutkowski.
Dzięki łatwowierności swoich klientów Witold P. przez ostatnie dwa lata żył jak król. Kupił sobie apartament w Dubaju i nowy dom w Kanadzie. 22 lipca nastał dla niego jednak koniec nieuczciwych interesów.
Ludzie z biura detektywistycznego weszli do siedziby firmy. Kilkadziesiąt minut później na miejscu była także policja. Tego samego dnia do jednego z warszawskich komisariatów policji trafiło pierwszych kilkanaście doniesień o popełnieniu przestępstwa przez właściciela i pracowników Dia-Monde Corp. Sprawę przejęła stołeczna Prokuratura Rejonowa Śródmieście. To do niej trafiają nadsyłane z całej Polski kolejne zawiadomienia od oszukanych inwestorów. Witold P., a także jego współpracownicy są pod policyjnym dozorem. Z nikim z Dia-Monde Corp. nie można się skontaktować.
W czwartek w Domu Nauczyciela, na ul. Uphagena we Wrzeszczu, odbyło się spotkanie oszukanych gdańszczan z detektywem Rutkowskim. Kilkadziesiąt poszkodowanych osób przygotowuje wspólne doniesienie o popełnieniu przestępstwa, które najprawdopodobniej w tym tygodniu zostanie wysłane do warszawskiej prokuratury.CANADIAN POLICE and FEDERAL COMPETITION BUREAU REFUSE TO TAKE ACTION!!!
Canadian Diamond Traders is another clone of the same infamous 1-2-4-8 pyramid fraud touted as the “business model of the new millennium” for which myriad complaints are being received. Like TTI, they are fraudulently misrepresenting government.
These illegal frauds, masked as legitimate companies, like Canadian Diamond Traders, often “worm” their way into legitimate organizations like Chambers of Commerce and the BBBs by paying the fee to join. Would the Canadian Media dare tell you that!!?
Unfortunately, the general public has the perception membership in these organizations means a company is legal and ethical. Nothing could be further from the truth. These organizations will admit, when questioned, that membership does in no way state nor imply the company is honest or legal. Companies are accepted until complaints are received and they are investigated and action, if any, taken against them. As has been proven time and time again none, or only an infinitesimal amount of information is ever released about these fraudulent schemes by these “main-line” organizations and so-called “public protectors??” who’s members are actually participating in them.
And that again, is what has made CrimeBustersNow necessary.
These scams masquerading as legitimate companies, and perpetrating fraud, once in the organization, may then manipulate, bend or break the rules of the organization. They may “align” themselves with large reputable organizations like banks and large insurance companies which are fellow members. A bit like a “leach” “clinging” onto these other organizations for perceived credibility mentioning the other organizations as they explain their well masked “wordy” fraud to victims. This linking and use of other members trademarks and logos may in fact be forbidden by the members/ organization.
These fraud artists simply get away with defrauding citizens for millions, sometimes for years, and little if anything at all is done about it. i.e. (Sum-It-Club Woodbridge Ont. operating for years and known to police). So again, that is a major function of CrimeBustersNow, to catch these frauds and close them down NOW!!!, not years from now, such as this one, after citizens have been taken for millions perhaps billions of investment dollars. And none does that better, more effectively or economically, than dedicated citizens. (i.e. Google Search PIPS scam busted)
Subject: Central Bank Raid PIPS
Posted By: Owen Platt – Registered User
Posted At: (8/16/05 2:59 pm)
This morning, the Central Bank of Malaysia, Bank Negara, raided the offices of PIPS Inc., the suspected fraudulent investment scheme. They confiscated all the mobile phones plus equipment.
Gary Nichol, the former general manager who resigned recently, has agreed to come back to assist the authorities in their investigation.
That was accomplished by a persistent group of citizens not the police.
Now, here is an excellent exercise for the investing public and particularly students….. Search Canadian Diamond Traders and see if you can spot the link to a vast array of large reputable corporations and government institutions. Then find the illegal 8 victims one winner pyramid fraud (1-2-4-8) “gameboard”.
Canadian Diamond Traders is an American Chamber of Commerce member. But, AmCham appears unconcerned it is being used as a “host” to bring fraud back into Albania devastated by pyramid and Ponzi schemes in 1997-98 resulting in 2000 deaths and also bringing it into Russia and other former Soviet countries.